Saturday, October 3, 2009

... untitled

Hello everybody. again sorry i havent posted in a while, i went to the first art club meeting and it was really fun, though i now have homework. i have to make signs for china month at our school for the diversity club. and IN diversity club im trying to get into the gay, straight union, meeting in downtown ottawa, it sounds like fun. I havent watched tv in nearly a week. ive made 85 $ at work and im still really busy. I just got my braces tightened so my teeth are kind of in pain though not as bad as i expected. lol. After the appointment, i hung out with justin at riocan in our usually rainy enclave ( the sement patch) and it was fun, then we saw Tina Megan Jessica, thomas, chris, amy etc ( my old friends from grade 7) and it was kinda awkward. Because justin is friends with them NOW it made it even more awkward because they thought i was dating a justin but not THAT justin. besides megan was like glarring at me the entire time. but her and chris are still together so to that i say congratz, it has to have been after a year now. anyways tine was like IM SO stalking you!! and it was funny because this is the second time. so we said hi and stuff then went back to hanging out JJ time, and it was still fun. at that point in time my teeth didnt hurt.
Yesturday was our thanksgiving dinner even if thanksgiving is next week. and we went to lindas anf i got a headache from the screaming kids. and actually wished i were doing my homework. now this is the point that justin if you read this you have to stop and skip this paragraoh and PROMIS not to read it until after march 29 2010! ~okay so i was so bored i wrote him a letter, and when i got back i decided to start a JJ scrapbook. ive had a scrapbook and set for a while now and i just never found a use for it, until now. i know we'll make it to a year, so i thought 6 months to a year recorded in scrapbook form its perfecct. i can keep all the movie tickets and jokes and other stuff recorded there and at one year ill give it to justin so he can remember all our good times. besides whever we're close to a break up, or if im sad or mad and i cant remember the good times ill just look there. so that the scene when he was camping will never be repeated. though i think a similar argument will happen near the end of this year.... im planning on cutting my hair really short, like mme herfst, and dying some of the ends lime green. not much but just enough to be like BOOM! lol. so i dont think he'll like the fact that ill have shorter hair than him. thus making a problem. but im sure we;ll get over it.

OKAY JUSTIN YOU CAN READ NOW!!!........ actually i dont really have all that much to tell you the truth there isnt that much drama with me anymore, i dont hang out with them at lunch even if we are friends. sometimes ill sit with Anthony and stuff but again jsut friends. and then the fact that im happy and good... well that isnt drama.. like i do know about the drama plaguing my friends but you know what i dont really care its just the exact same thing over and over again. in diffrent forms. Right now i have a cold so that TOTALLY sucks. i feel lik shit! and i think i might have to miss the movie on sunday and the sleepover with erin even though i really want to go. im like dying. i have a headache a runny nose, eyes are wattering, my hair is gross and i should probably wash it but im too tired, and my throat feels like its been coated with moose excrements! :S:( i hate colds. anyways. im going to take a nap g'night
Sybil xox

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