Saturday, December 27, 2008

wednesday continued

Okay so it's the next day so I'll have to really get you caught up. Wednesday I got woken up really early and I was kind of pissed because well I hate mornings and Christmas was getting a bit tedious! But I held through it and opened all my gifts with a smile- well the best I could. Then in like 30 minutes I was already starting to pack for moms and Cali. After I was done packing we went to moms and then had dinner. It was a very exciting day, I know! lol. So basically a pretty boring day compared to the ones I'm having now!
Next I'll tell you about the trip because I'm almost completely caught up,
GothGirl xox


Shackles said...

if you fell bad on just smile...but i think you had fun ..even if you were feeling bad

Sybil said...

ya i guess, but christmas is always a bad time of year for me cause its all about celebrating with family, but my family is falling apart