Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Sybil here,
I had a very interesting day. well I don't really know how to word this right so lets start at the beggining shall we? well I woke up adn well a usual typical morning in our household. Then about to walk out of the house to leave noticed something vitaly important. I couldn't open the door, so i tried pushing harder and it opened. It was being blocked by snow so I ran upstairs to check and sure enough school was canceled. I had a blast doing absolutly nothing!! I worked on my science project and French correcting, then I wrote more of my book and here we are here we are. Oh and I watched gossip girl which I must say was thrilling.
Goth Girl xox


Shackles said...

Fun Day!!!I guess I'm going to like updat and then you can read about my awful day..Btw your rox...I just needed to mention that...

The word verification this time was lalla...


Sybil said...

huh? speak english!! lalla?