Saturday, December 27, 2008

my third christmas to packing in an instant - wednesday

Sybil 's back,
My mom just told me that the name Sybil was famous because of the movie. It was about a girl with 13 personalities and in a way that is totally me! I mean I have so many different characters inside of me. But the difference is that mine aren't separate identities. WOAH I just looked out my window and saw a circular rainbow. I mean the full circle not just a fraction!! That was so cool! That is definitely going in the blog but in the picture you can't really see it that well. Soon we have to put all computers away so I might not be able to finish in one blog I'll continue later though.

Goth Girl xox


Shackles said...

you have more than one personality...i would of never guessed...:P

Sybil said...

lol hehee