Thursday, May 21, 2009

A day of sports... and i had... FUN?

Gasp i know. Most of you are thinking... Sybil fun with sports?? I mean im not the most atjletic person if you know what i mean.... well thats not true... im very fit and active just not....... the "Atletic" and "Sports oriented" person.... im failing gym class..... But i like gymnastic and dance, and yoga and those type of activities. So i almost didnt go to the sports day cause i fugured omg, another day of misery and running and GRR!!! but well it didnt turn out that way. I actually wore sporty clothes and had to raid my ssiters closet to get them. it was pathetic. So I did up my sneakers and head off to school... In the morning it was really cold because it was supposed to me +26C later i had worn shorts... i was freezing. my body tempature is 3 degrees lower than normal anyways. So i was ya a tad cold. So of course that meant we were walking to merivale! Finally ariving we had an assembly thing and then headed off with our group. The only person i actually hang out in my group is Emma, so it wasnt all bad, but i wished schwa and kels would have been there too. WE were given these T shirts that said " sports day the girls way" it was pretty sweet, oh and btw this whole day was only girls. so We played all sorts of sports and they were really fun. like in the first half we 1. Had a meeting and like "talk" about high school and what its like and stuff. 2. We played a bunch of really tacky games in the gym. and 3. Lacross outside. Now Lacross was acctually really fun. but the thing was it was still pretty cold So the metal bar that you hold on the stick like froze to your skin. Then we had lunch. And it was hot dogs and fruit and veggies it was nummy. :D After lunch we had a guest speaker she was hilarious! Then we played 1. Yoga ( we were video taped it was sweet) 2. feild hockey ( it sucked and a bunch of girls skipped most of it by going to the bathroom and 3. rugby which was really fun. By the end of the day we were all very tired and sweaty cause it had gotten VERY hot. WE were then given like bags of stuff and a rose and chocolate that the school had made. IT WAS AWESOME!!! and my rose was sooo prefect!
When i got home i was going to bug justin about it but sadly he wasnt online... and actually he never came online until i had to go.... soo yeah.... i didnt really get to bug him about it. oh and by the way i switched houses and forgot my ring on the table :( im going to have to go to my dads tomorrow to get it. i need it to finish my outfit for justins barmitsva
fun day :)
GothGirl xox

1 comment:

Shackles said...

lol...i had's so damn sad you couldn't bug cat-eye boy though.