Thursday, January 1, 2009

it's foggy and cold and......I"M COMPLANING???

ya so today I woke up at 8..... here so 11 at home..... and I couldn't see three feet in front of me. I watch TV and then we went to go to the peir. It was so cold that it was frosty. then we went in to taky little shops and I loved them. !!! lol I'm such a nerd. But I baught most of the souvenirs and x-mas gifts for all my friends I still have a few that were harder to find or i thought that nothing really fit but mostly I'm good.
BLA I'm tired so I'm going to sleep,
TOODLES GothGirl xox

1 comment:

Shackles said...

Lol..nice title..and all your friends loved thier gifts...