Friday, November 14, 2008


Hey Goth Girl here,
I'm starting a blog because I have so much to say but no one to tell. so atleast on here it seems a bit better than talking to myself or anything else. I'm diffrent i must say, most people call me weird but if i weren't weird then i would never get away with half the stuff i do. i have lots of friends and i have a lot of fun. the thing is, all that is great and all but i have way more drama then that! for a starter my parents are devorced, so that adds a whole complecation to my life. One week i can stay out 'till whenever, then i switch houses and i have to be in bed by 9pm. It's very confusing and I'm often lost but I usualy find my way around. See i also have all that teen drama going on in epic proportions because of course im the class freak. I admit i do have my quirks but that's no reason to get all huffy about it.
Now I may seem a bit hyper and well totally valley girl sometimes, but I'm really not. Actually that's part of the reason I am a freak. I dress almost in completly black, I'm usually very mellow and don't talk much but when i have my good days, and I'm happy and with friends, I'm never shy. I will get up onto a table in the middle of public and start singing. but i really can't stand those popular " I'm so great cause I'm pretty and have a boyfriend" freeloaders. if it were up to me I'd make it illigal. Really they piss me off. their so froofy and happy and dramatic all the time and i get sick of it. I won't really pay them any mind unless they get in my face or bug my friends. Then it's personal and i don't take that crap! Tatyanna sure learned that quickly.
Any way I don't really have that much time right now but next blog I'll fill you in with the people in my life right now. Friends and Enimy's.
until' next time,
Goth Girl xox

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